Clare Shepherd
Clare Shepherd, Glass Fusing
About 10 years ago, Clare Shepherd was at Walter Reed Army Medical Center recovering after serving as an Army Logistics Captain in Kuwait. A therapist suggested she participate in their art program and she reluctantly tried her hand at glass fusing. When Shepherd moved to Maryland a short time later, a family member suggested she try a class at Maryland Hall. MD Hall's Glass Program had been in existence for a short time under the leadership of Gayla Lee. Shepherd tried a class and fell in love with the art form and the process. "The classes really pulled my out my funk," she says. "The art really was the therapy I needed and has helped me grow in so many ways."
Artist Statement
Glass makes me happy.
What’s nice about art is that it brings people from all parts of the community together – we have doctors and lawyers and stay at home moms and retired people – all in one class and they learn from each other and get to know each other. When they come to the glass class they can find a common bond, everyone shares what they know and they share ideas.
I see these classes for many people as art therapy – like they were for me.
You can be abstract or literal and still do glass – we have all different types of people in the class.
I try to teach technique but each person makes what they want. I have 4 or 5-year-olds and I can know about their personality based on what they decide to make and how they approach it. It really lets you see someone’s personality.
Clare Shepherd's Classes This Season
No Classes at this time.